STAEDTLER® Textsurfer® Highlighter Pen Refill


Eduzone Ltd

Normal price

£29.40 incl. VAT
Final VAT and delivery charges calculated at checkout.
Pack of 4 will refill approximately 20 pens, Textsurfer® classic refill station for easy and clean refilling of the STAEDTLER® Highlighter Pens in the most popular colours
Impossible to overfill the highlighter
Each pot contains 30ml
Pack of 4 will refill approximately 20 pens, Textsurfer® classic refill station for easy and clean refilling of the STAEDTLER® Highlighter pens in the most popular colours. It is impossible to overfill the highlighter. Each pot contains 30ml. The pack of 4 will refill approximately 20 pens.
  • General Stationery
  • Office Essentials

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