Diwali Lamps - Crafts with Eduzone

We’re getting into the autumn spirit and with Diwali drawing closer we thought these lamps would be a great idea to celebrate the Festival of Lights.

Difficulty rating: ***

You will need



1. Take a paper plate and fold in half.
2. Cut out a semi-circle from the centre fold, about two fingers wide.
3. Use bright colours to colour in your plate - we’ve used paint for ours but you could also use crayons or felt tips. Remember to allow the paint to dry before the next step.
4. Decorate however you’d like! We used gems, beads and glitter to make our designs but get creative; ribbons, feathers or any other craft materials could look great too.
5. Take another plate and draw a flame shape or use our handy template, then cut out.
6. Colour in to make it look like it is flickering!
7. Place the flame through the semi-circle and glue into place on the front side. You may need to glue the tops of the fold to keep the lamp steady.

    Your Diwali lamp is complete!

    Eduzone’s top tip

    Place lamps on windowsills and shelves to get the room looking suitable for the Festival of Lights! Why not get the children to write a message inside and take it home as a Diwali card?